Estefania Argente



Professor of Computer Systems and Languages (Titular de Universidad) at Department of Information Systems and Computation (DSIC), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain.

My teaching activity for 2017/18 course is:

  1. * Concurrency and Distributed Systems - Computer Engineering Grade - School of Engineering in Computer Science (ETSINF)

Previous teaching activities:

  1. * Concurrency and Distributed Systems - ETSINF, years 2012-2017

  2. *Computability and Complexity - ETSINF, years 2011-2012

  3. *Operating Systems and Programming - School of Design Engineering, years 2011-2014

  4. *Operating Systems - ETSINF, years 2001-2011

  5. *Study of Operating Systems - ETSINF, years 2006-2010

  6. *Applied Computer - Aeronautical Engineering, years 2005-2010

  7. *Automatons, Languages and Computability - ETSINF, years 2005-2008, 2010-2011

Estefanía Argente

Department: Sistemas Informaticos y Computacion

University: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

Address: Camino de Vera s/n


Phone: +34 96 387 70 07 - Ext. 83514

Fax: +34 96 387 73 59


Office: Despacho 2D17 - Edificio 1F (DSIC) Valencia


See this page for my list of publications


Ph.D. in Computer Science (July 2008).

Professor of Computer Systems and Languages at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), from December 2011.

My research activity is developed at the GTI-IA group in the Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y Computacion at UPV.

My main interests are:

    * Multi-agent Systems

    * Agento-oriented methodologies Methodologies

    * Virtual Organizations

    * Normative Multi-agent systems

    * Soft-computing techniques (neural networks and genetic algorithms)

My PhD thesis is focused on designing open Multi-Agent Systems based on organizations

I have been co-chair of Working Group 3 - Organisations of the Agreement Technologies (AT) European Action COST IC0801.

As member of the GTI-IA group, I have participated continuously in international networks of relevance in the field of Artificial Intelligence and in 17 research projects, being principal investigator of one of them, as well as collaborator in the Agreement Technologies Consolider Ingenio project, in the Advances on Agreement Technologies for Computational Entities PROMETEO project and OVAMAH (Organizaciones Virtuales Adaptativas: Arquitecturas y Metodos de Desarrollo) project (funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion), in which I was a workpackage leader.

I have authored a total of 27 highly ranked journal publications and more than 60 papers in journals, books, conferences and workshops.


I have served as program committee for highly prestigious conferences such as several editions of the Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems (AAMAS 2010, AAMAS 2009, Core A*), the Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2013, HAIS 2012, HAIS 2011, HAIS 2010, HAIS 2009, Core C), the Int. Workshop on Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2009, AOSE 2008, Core C), the Int. Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN@AAMAS 2015, Core B) and the Int. Conf. Agreement Technologies (AT 2015, AT 2013, AT 2012).

I have also acted as a reviewer for high impact journals such as Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Artificial Intelligence Review , International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineer, AI Communications.

Currently, I am Program Chair of the 5th Int. Conf. on Agreement Technologies (AT 2017).